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Arredamenti Figliolia

Luxury as alchemy

The word “ luxury “ is a subtle word , full and shade of meaning. In these days of economic stagnation  and fall off in consumption, “ luxury” seems to have a negative meaning because it is far from the ordinary current events. For a company rich in tradition as Figliolia , the word luxury is a unique chemical alchemy that means  style and class in furniture – neither opulence nor commonness.
“ Luxury “ becomes synonymous with refinement and lives down to forget fashions and times. Luxury is an element of distinction, it is the goal to strive for and the expression of a lifestyle.
The patient search for superior essences, woods and burls  is the essential  foundation to get faultless quality materials.
On the other hand the re-interpretation and reproduction of the classic style is realized through ancient techniques of manual production.
The contemporaries machinery , in fact, fails to secure all the traits and refinements the human being can do , only the hand is able to forge the idea, the machine is not capable, remains cold and inert compared  to the passion  and charm encased in wood and raw materials selected by Figliolia.
Our job is a job with hand movements, not by workers but by craftsmen that gives  life to furniture, upholstered furniture, fittings and accessories made with precious materials and luxury finishes, striking setting furniture , individual pieces that interpret  the idea of a crafts  of other times and become the expression of a 360 degree research on the material and its expressive capabilities of styles of bygone.
We need to grasp the full background of the woodwork to understand the richness and the cultural and human heritage of a  company of excellence as Furniture Figliola.
The affinity is the elegance of the English and French  eighteenth and nineteenth century.This essential reference can be seized in the various facets of a production rich and varied, from furniture  for the kitchen to the living room, the bedroom, the wall panels and accessories.
The challenge Figliola brings forward for a long  time is to propose a way of life, not just products. hence the company focuses  on the interior design and the ability to provide customers with with custom-made furnishings, complete environments designed to move beyond any compromise.
Customers are now aware and require proudly "Furniture Figliolia" , an interior design, fully studied through rich and luxurious solutions , but also pieces by a contained elegance, between virtuosity and taste, harmonious colours and carefully calibrated.

Jean Louis Rochar

Jean Louis Rochar propone oggi il grande valore culturale di una collezione di mobili capaci di restituire intatto il fascino del mobile d'epoca borghese di gusto ottocentesco: linee ricercate ma semplici ed essenziali, valorizzate da una finitura morbida, inconfondibilmente artigianale. Proporzioni ideali di pezzi d'arredo che Jean Louis Rochar interpreta per Voi alla riscoperta di una bellezza intramontabile, fatta di amore per i caldi dettagli costruttivi che solo una perfetta conoscenza del legno ed una ormai rara maestria nella lavorazione artigianale possono offrire.

Mobili realizzati nel segno del nuovo "romanticismo" d'arredo per chi ricerca in un singolo pezzo, come in ambienti completi e coordinati, tutta l'eleganza di una casa "firmata" dalla Vostra passione per le cose belle e da un marchio capace di sottolineare con stile la vostra scelta: Jean Louis Rochar!

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Arredamenti Figliolia Srls – Via Rosa Jemma, 104 - 84091 Battipaglia – SA - - Italy - tel 0828.304971 - fax 0828.871370 - info@arredamentifigliolia.it